This month, we are featuring the people at USEFULL who make the company what it is. Next up is MJ Eldridge, our wonderful Head of Operations & Product Management!

MJ joined the team in 2022, and her journey towards working at USEFULL was actually a unique one. As a Product Manager, she has helped create all sorts of products over the course of her career, mainly focusing on Consumer Electronics. “A turning point was when a container of products fell off a ship and into the ocean,” she said. “Thousands of speakers on the ocean floor – forever. That’s when it hit me that what I had been doing is making and shipping what ultimately becomes trash.” This made her decide that when she next switched jobs, she wanted to reduce trash, not create more of it. 

The desire to reduce trash is one reason why she chose to work at USEFULL. Other reasons? “I love start-up life,” MJ said. “I love the excitement of an early-stage start-up.” She also believes in Alison’s mission to create sustainable takeout which is easy, accessible, and improves the user’s experience. And perhaps more importantly, she loves working at a start-up with a female founder and CEO. 

Here at USEFULL, MJ is the Head of Operations and Product Development. In other words, she manages all of the product development from inception, to manufacturing, to shipping, and finally into the customer’s hands. She also helps with the daily operations of the company. 

I also asked MJ what her favorite part of working at USEFULL has been. According to MJ, she loves working with students and sustainability teams on campuses. She also has loved working with Gen Z: “I feel so inspired by that generation,” she said. “Everyone is so young but professional – they are really going to be the ones to save the earth!”

Outside of work, MJ has also adopted some sustainable habits into her personal life. “I bring my reusable bags everywhere,” she said. She also enjoys living in a walkable city, Providence, where public transportation like trains are accessible. 

We finished off the interview with a few fun questions. 

In the spirit of the *best* thing to put in a USEFULL cup, what is your go-to coffee order? 

Black cold brew!

What are 5 songs you can’t live without?

“Get Off,” “Shipping up to Boston,” “I Want it That Way,” “Doggy Style,” and “Promiscuous”!

What is a snapshot of an ordinary moment in your life that brings you great joy?

Anytime my kids send me a text.

Thanks so much to MJ for taking the time to sit down and chat! We are so lucky to have her on the USEFULL team.